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Medical Research Event Promotion

The following designs and brands were developed for medical research events, targeting researchers and clinicians with technical information presented in the form of a presentation or series of speakers. Each event brand was developed in collaboration with the...
Worm farming in the city

Worm farming in the city

A work colleague was telling me a story about taking care of the worm farm while her flatmate was away. A story of finely chopped food, frozen and defrosted to the right temperature so as not to harm the worms with a carefully measured jug of water at the right...

Design Led Doing

Impact Innovation Group is a consulting firm working across specialist services such as commercialisation, IP and management consulting through to training and start-up management. Their organisation is based on the latest evidence based techniques, with this blog...

Fundraising and Volunteering

When I was 15, my home state of Qld was facing a drought that was destroying farming communities. I worked most of my spare time in the family business – a fine dining restaurant where we worked around the drought by supporting foreign food farming. My family...

Personal & Social Identities

This essay was written for a social science assignment in 2010 as part of a dual Journalism and Arts degree. It provides a simple introduction to well known authors Foucault, Jenkins, Goffman and Mead. The full bibliography exists below. Identity is our understanding...
Aussie Album

Aussie Album

Did you know that in addition to taking photos of almost everything I cook and eat, I am equally as annoying as a travel companion? I love collecting picture memories, from family visits in Gippsland, Victoria to local beach trips to Coolangatta on Queensland’s...

History repeats: the culture industry of 1944

It’s long past time to clean out my office, so of course I’m here buried in a pile of old work files and uni papers, lost in the pages of media studies and social science readings of my abandoned dual degrees. On top of the pile was a reading from...

My Experience in a Clinical Study

One of the many physical features I inherited from my Dad – moles. Lots of them. I’ve got that kind of skin that offers a smorgasbord of options for a researcher looking to study moles – flat ones, raised ones, ones that change, pink ones, brown...

Why Mother’s Day Can Go F Itself

The role of mother brings with it more expectations, assumptions, values and assumed qualities than any other. All of these elements however lead to the same single stereotype of a mother – she is everything, the bringer of all life, she loves unconditionally...
Justin Beiber Photoshop GIF Animation

Justin Beiber Photoshop GIF Animation

So this week a man got photoshopped. Well, Justin Bieber got photoshopped to look like a man. No wait, Biebs got enlarged. Ugh, I actually don’t even know what this is except that it’s the biggest social media outcry over photoshopping EVER because we are...

2014 Feelings

Have you seen your first end of year montage yet? It’s the second last week of the year, and the only way most of us can believe that is to look back on the year that was. The traditional end of year montage is made up of some sport, celebrity deaths, tragic...
Brisbane Storm Season

Brisbane Storm Season

I normally love storm season, and the last few have been REALLY disappointing, but this year we started with a ripper – literally ripped tiles off the roof and send water into our apartment and through our lights like waterfalls. Until it stops raining, we...
The 4101

The 4101

Over the summer holidays there were scary bushfires raging on Stradbroke Island, with campers and residents being evacuated. The smoke made it all the way across Brisbane, creating this spectacular sunset in the afternoon.    ...

Sign Language

I spent much of my primary school hanging out with my friends in the hearing impaired unit and watching videos to learn how to communicate with them better. I’d run to the class room and spend my lunch hour watching a video or reading books that the teachers...
Southbank Sunrise

Southbank Sunrise

The construction site next door wakes me up by 5 every morning, and while I want to roll over and go back to sleep I can glimpse the colours of sunrise over Brisbane City from my bed. It’s usually easy to resist, but some mornings the sky looks so spectactular...

How To Be Healthy

I love a really simple article that can look at food and health with common sense. It’s amazing how much money is spent on unnecessary ‘fitness cures’ when the only tools you need are some motivation and creativity. I don’t like the gym, or...
Amelia’s A Team

Amelia’s A Team

This weekend we took part in a fundraiser for Juvenile Diabetes, walking for a special 7 year old kid who has had diabetes since she was 4. Her mum calculated that she has had to prick her thumb 8,000 times so far while they learn how to manage this condition. With...
Brisbane Riverfire 2013

Brisbane Riverfire 2013

Every year, my hometown of Brisbane puts on a 3 week festival called “BrisFest” to celebrate our amazing city and the river it is built around. Each night during the festival there’s a light show on the river that can be seen from the shore of...
Gold Coast Skyline

Gold Coast Skyline

I did a contract on the beautiful Gold Coast last year, working on the Cultural Precinct project at Evandale. My favourite part of the job was capturing the site from every angle. Trees, birds, the lake, the view of the Surfers Paradise skyline from the ground and the...
Cuisine Australia

Cuisine Australia

Cuisine Australia is offline for a bit while I move the content to a different server. But that doesn’t mean I’m not still cooking and baking and photographing it all as I go! This is Barramundi with Tomato, Onion, Lemon and Onion Chives sprinkled with...