Worm farming in the city

Worm farming in the city

A work colleague was telling me a story about taking care of the worm farm while her flatmate was away. A story of finely chopped food, frozen and defrosted to the right temperature so as not to harm the worms with a carefully measured jug of water at the right...
Brisbane Storm Season

Brisbane Storm Season

I normally love storm season, and the last few have been REALLY disappointing, but this year we started with a ripper – literally ripped tiles off the roof and send water into our apartment and through our lights like waterfalls. Until it stops raining, we...
Brisbane Riverfire 2013

Brisbane Riverfire 2013

Every year, my hometown of Brisbane puts on a 3 week festival called “BrisFest” to celebrate our amazing city and the river it is built around. Each night during the festival there’s a light show on the river that can be seen from the shore of...
Geek Girls

Geek Girls

This is a cute little song from a bunch of geek girls. Or as I like to call them, people. It does seem to confuse ‘tomboy’ and ‘geek’, but are they the same thing if you are a girl? Is it geeky for a girl to be a tomboy? So does that mean a...
Bomb Squad Crochet Skate Booties

Bomb Squad Crochet Skate Booties

My home team this year is the Bomb Squad, so I had some special skate booties made by Jane’s Crochet for P, and for the babies of our other team mates Horror Lulu and Lil’ Decoy. How cute do these look?!?!?!? She even has the derby sneer going....
Green vs Black – Men’s Derby

Green vs Black – Men’s Derby

I’ve been obsessed and busy with the Nut Factory for the past month, and it was amazing. Here’s the bout video from the end of the weekend. Oh, and the poster … It was a bit fun to design this one....
Derby Media

Derby Media

  Queensland Times – Xmas derby bout Mace, Hell’n’Awe and I spent some time with a journo from the QT in Ipswich shooting some video and taking pics for the local paper to promote our Xmas feature bout. >...