by carlajayne | Saturday, October 14, 2017 | featured, Pictures
Did you know that in addition to taking photos of almost everything I cook and eat, I am equally as annoying as a travel companion? I love collecting picture memories, from family visits in Gippsland, Victoria to local beach trips to Coolangatta on Queensland’s...
by carlajayne | Monday, January 12, 2015 | Pictures
So this week a man got photoshopped. Well, Justin Bieber got photoshopped to look like a man. No wait, Biebs got enlarged. Ugh, I actually don’t even know what this is except that it’s the biggest social media outcry over photoshopping EVER because we are...
by carlajayne | Friday, February 28, 2014 | Pictures
Over the summer holidays there were scary bushfires raging on Stradbroke Island, with campers and residents being evacuated. The smoke made it all the way across Brisbane, creating this spectacular sunset in the afternoon. ...
by carlajayne | Wednesday, January 15, 2014 | Pictures
The construction site next door wakes me up by 5 every morning, and while I want to roll over and go back to sleep I can glimpse the colours of sunrise over Brisbane City from my bed. It’s usually easy to resist, but some mornings the sky looks so spectactular...
by carlajayne | Sunday, October 20, 2013 | Pictures
This weekend we took part in a fundraiser for Juvenile Diabetes, walking for a special 7 year old kid who has had diabetes since she was 4. Her mum calculated that she has had to prick her thumb 8,000 times so far while they learn how to manage this condition. With...
by carlajayne | Thursday, August 29, 2013 | Pictures
I did a contract on the beautiful Gold Coast last year, working on the Cultural Precinct project at Evandale. My favourite part of the job was capturing the site from every angle. Trees, birds, the lake, the view of the Surfers Paradise skyline from the ground and the...
by carlajayne | Friday, August 2, 2013 | Pictures
Cuisine Australia is offline for a bit while I move the content to a different server. But that doesn’t mean I’m not still cooking and baking and photographing it all as I go! This is Barramundi with Tomato, Onion, Lemon and Onion Chives sprinkled with...
by carlajayne | Wednesday, July 31, 2013 | Pictures
A sunrise stroll around Southbank in winter usually produces some amazing light and great shots of our beautiful city, Brisbane.
by carlajayne | Monday, July 22, 2013 | Pictures is a project I’ve been working on with my family forĀ few years. We’re up to 500 recipes, but it was starting to get a bit out dated and needed a refresh. So it’s offline for now, and will be back with a fresh new look soon....
by carlajayne | Monday, July 22, 2013 | Pictures
Oh, did I mention I’m an official aunty now? I’m usually so distracted playing with her that I forget to take photos. I’ve not done much photography lately, but I did get to hang out with some amazing babies and kids in June. I love this shot of...
by carlajayne | Thursday, July 18, 2013 | Pictures
Construction is building out the view, so bye bye sunsets … but until then, I can enjoy every one of...
by carlajayne | Thursday, April 25, 2013 | Pictures
Drew and I have been to the march the past 7 years to soak up the atmosphere of ANZAC Day. The pictures explain it better...
by carlajayne | Friday, March 1, 2013 | Pictures
So my baby sister is having a baby. It’s so bizaare to imagine that the little tiny baby I held in my hands and the little girl who I helped to look after is now having a little girl all of her own. Most of the photos we’ve taken are too personal to share,...
by carlajayne | Sunday, January 27, 2013 | Pictures
I’ve been known to spend hours with my camera in a garden admiring the great detail in every stamen, leaf or blade of grass. Some of my earliest photos as a teen were of the backs of leaves so I could draw them with pastel pencils. Now, I love the immediate...
by carlajayne | Saturday, November 17, 2012 | Pictures
Sometimes I throw the camera (not literally) in the car when I’m heading to training, or to the shops, just in case something cool happens. Usually I do this when there’s storm clouds in the sky, because you never know when you might capture an amazing...
by carlajayne | Friday, November 16, 2012 | Pictures
Just 11 days new, baby Theo was happy to stay awake and observe us as we tried to get him to go back to sleep. A couple of feeds and a cuddle from grandma eventually saw him drift off, giving us just half an hour to capture this precious little man. Here’s some...
by carlajayne | Thursday, November 8, 2012 | Pictures
I’ve known this beautiful girl more than half of her life, so I was so excited when she asked me to take some pics of her all dressed up in her fancy white gear. The event is called Diner en Blanc and all guests are expected to turn up dressed entirely in white....
by carlajayne | Thursday, November 8, 2012 | Pictures
Fortunately my friends have been so kind as to produce several children for me, so I can practice taking photos of yummy baby goodness. There is nothing more amazing than the first moments when parents meet their baby, or the curved shape of a new born squishy baby,...
by carlajayne | Sunday, October 21, 2012 | Pictures
Adding some info and pics to Aussie Album from my recent derby trip to Coffs Harbour. Beautiful place, but I needed a week! I took a lot of shots while I was there with the intention of turning them into panoramas. Here’s the couple I’ve had a chance to do...
by carlajayne | Sunday, August 21, 2011 | Pictures
In August 2011, Brisbane city was hit with a dust storm that lasted a few days. The dust over the sun created the most amazing light filter while the sky glowed a constant golden...