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Impact Innovation Group is a consulting firm working across specialist services such as commercialisation, IP and management consulting through to training and start-up management. Their organisation is based on the latest evidence based techniques, with this blog article breaking down a research paper on the subject of design led thinking.

Going from Design-led Thinking to Design-led Doing

There are post-it notes on the walls. Scrunches of paper strewn over the floor. Everyone’s animated and literally tossing ideas around (hence the scrunched paper balls). Later that week the paper balls are in the bin and the only remnants of the day anyone can recall are some great ideas, a refreshed team and perhaps a few improvements to relationships.

It’s the condensed, stand-alone ‘Design Thinking’ ideation session where the only strategic and operational consideration is inviting representatives from different departments to contribute. It’s some organisations’ version of a hackathon.

> Click for the full article

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